High resolution solar granulation animation and pictures
August 2023, Saint Véran/Astroqueyras/Paul Felenbok observatory, France (2930m)

Any use of one of these images other than strictly private must be subject to prior authorization from legault@astrophoto.fr

Celestron C14 EdgeHD, Astrosolar D3.8 photo film, OIII filter, ASI178MM camera

For the best view of the video, switch to Full HD mode (1080p) and full screen.

Image of AR3405 illustrating the Wilson effect: the umbra is lower than the average solar surface and the penumbra filaments dip into it. On sunspots at the limb, filaments are visible on the far edge but not on the near edge, highlighting the umbra depression

Animation of AR3394 each day during 6 days:

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